Olduvai, more accurately called Oldupai after the wild sisal in the area, is situated near the Ngorongoro Crater and is the site of some of the most important finds of early hominid fossils of all time (made famous by the work of the Leakey family) – The “Nutcracker Man” or Australophithecus boisei who lived 1.8 million years ago. There is a small informative museum located at the visitor center.
The gorge is a treasure trove of archeological sites filled with fossils, settlement remains and stone artefacts. Lecture tours are offered.
OLDUVAI GORGE, TANZANIA The archaeological site of Olduvai Gorge is located in the eastern Serengeti in northern Tanzania within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The gorge is a steep sided 4 to 8- kilometer (30 mile) long ravine, which forms part of the Great Rift Valley. It is situated on a series of fault lines which, along with centuries of erosion, has revealed fossils and remnants of early humankind.
Ancient archaeological site Cradle of humankind Situated in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Forms part of the Great Rift Valley
Excavations in the early twentieth century by the famous archaeologist, Dr Louis Leakey, uncovered some of the earliest remains of fossil hominids at Olduvai. Seventeen years after the first discovery of human forms, Leakey’s wife, Mary, discovered the unmistakable fossilised footprints of a human ancestor who had walked along a riverbank three million years ago. Since then, excavators working in Olduvai have found skeletal remains of a number of ancient hominids – Homo habilis, Homo erectus and Australopithecus Boisei.
Old campsites and what is believed to be a butchery site, as well as a loosely built circle of lava blocks was also found suggesting that crude shelters were also built here. Other findings include hunting weapons, basic tools and remains of dead animals once killed by humans. The name Olduvai originated from a European misspelling of Oldupai, the correct Maasai word for this region of great historical importance – named after the wild sisal plant fibre growing in abundance in the gorge.
There is also a museum where visitors can listen to lectures and see visual representation of the discoveries made in the region.
For an unforgettable holiday and experience in Tanzania, let BOBBY CAMPING SAFARIS be your choice!
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Thomas K2024-09-054 Tage Safari mit Ilmaasai Expedition 4-tägige Safari mit Ilmaasai Expedition Tanzania! Wir haben vor Kurzem eine 4-tägige Safari in Tansania mit Ilmaasai Expedition Tanzania gemacht und es war ein unvergessliches Erlebnis! Catherine half uns, alles reibungslos zu planen, und sowohl sie als auch Collin waren da, um uns am Flughafen persönlich zu begrüßen. Bevor sie uns zu unserem Hotel brachten, unterstützten sie uns beim Kauf einer SIM Karte und beim Geldwechsel in Arusha. Unsere Safari begann am nächsten Tag im Tarangire-Nationalpark, wo wir von Loth geführt wurden, einem unglaublich sachkundigen und erfahrenen Wildtier-Reiseleiter mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung. Am zweiten und dritten Tag erkundeten wir den legendären Serengeti-Nationalpark und übernachteten in der Zeltlodge Tanzania Bushcamps. Die Lodge war wunderbar mitten in der Serengeti gelegen und wir hörten sogar in der Nacht Löwen brüllen und Hyänen rufen– ein so aufregendes und unvergessliches Erlebnis! Am vierten Tag besuchten wir den atemberaubenden Ngorongoro-Krater, wo wir unglaubliche Wildtierbeobachtungen genossen. Hier konnten wir Zebras, Gnus, Büffel, Schakale und vieles mehr entdecken. Am Abend brachten uns Loth und Collin für unseren Abflug zurück zum Flughafen. Loth war ein fantastischer, besonnener Fahrer und Führer. Er hat uns alles gezeigt, was wir sehen wollten: Löwen, Leoparden, Geparden, Büffel, Elefanten und mehr! Collin war auch ein ausgezeichneter Führer, freundlich, sachkundig und er stand uns jederzeit hilfsbereit zur Seite. Wenn Ihr eine Safari plant, empfehlen wir euch Ilmaasai Expedition Tanzania. Dieses Team tut wirklich alles, um euch ein fantastisches Erlebnis zu bietenChristina W2024-09-054-tägige Safari mit Ilmaasai Expedition Tansania! Wir haben vor kurzem eine 4-tägige Safari in Tansania mit Ilmaasai Expedition Tanzania gemacht und es war ein unvergessliches Erlebnis! Catherine hat uns geholfen, alles reibungslos zu planen und sie und Collin haben uns persönlich am Flughafen abgeholt. Sie brachten uns zu unserem Hotel und sorgten dafür, dass wir uns wohl fühlten, bevor unser Abenteuer begann. Unsere Safari begann am nächsten Tag im Tarangire Nationalpark, wo wir von Loth geführt wurden, einem unglaublich kenntnisreichen und erfahrenen Wildtierführer mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung. Am zweiten Tag erkundeten wir den berühmten Serengeti Nationalpark und übernachteten in einer Zeltlodge von Tanzania Bushcamps. Die Lodge war wunderschön und wir hörten nachts sogar Löwengebrüll und Hyänenlachen - ein berauschendes und unvergessliches Erlebnis! Am vierten Tag besuchten wir den atemberaubenden Ngorongoro Krater, wo wir unglaubliche Tierbeobachtungen machen konnten. Am Abend brachten uns Loth und Collin zurück zum Flughafen. Loth war ein fantastischer Fahrer und Guide, der uns alles zeigte, was wir uns erhofft hatten: Löwen, Leoparden, Geparden, Büffel, Elefanten und vieles mehr! Collin war ebenfalls ein ausgezeichneter Führer, freundlich, kompetent und immer für uns da. Wenn Sie eine Safari planen, können wir Ilmaasai Expedition Tanzania nur empfehlen. Dieses Team geht wirklich über sich hinaus, um ein tolles Erlebnis zu garantieren!Sabrine T2024-07-27Beautiful safari Collin and his family are very friendly and super welcoming! Collin is very responsive and available if we have any questions or concerns. The safari organized by Collin was great, we could see beautiful landscapes and especially full of animals (lion, lionesses, leopard, cheetah, giraffes, gazelles, elephants,...). We visited a village in Masai and Collin’s family invited us one evening for dinner, it was very family friendly, a beautiful human experience.Estelle G2024-07-27Perfect Safari Our Safari was just perfect. Collin is very available and very kind. He managed to organize us a great program in a short time at an interesting price. The driver + francophone guide were also very kind. We took a lot of eyes. I recommend 100% this agency Safari!!! Go ahead with your eyes closed! And again thank you for everything!Viktoria2024-01-30Great organization, very experienced and friendly We did our first safari with Loth and his team and are very happy and grateful to have had this unforgettable experience. Catherine took care of the organization, which was totally uncomplicated and relaxed. We were given a very warm welcome and had 5 amazing days thanks to Loth's many years of experience. We had a lot of fun with the team and felt very comfortable. We can only warmly recommend Ilmaasai to everyone. You won't regret it.sonia s2024-01-04Professional, well organized and Super friendly I made a one day safari to Mikumi and had a great time there. Collin is a very nice guy, always available to answer all the questions and explain any details. Our guide was an experienced guy, very friendly also. The Day was amazing, I enjoyed every Single Minute there. I am looking forward to a longer Safari next time I visit !Renate B2023-12-12Super Safari with local company This was the second time we went with Ilmaasai. Because it was so wonderful the first time and we were not disappointed: super organized and prepared, lots of feeling and instinct for nature and the animals and so many explanations to our questions. We felt as well looked after as last time and can only recommend ilmaasai, 100 percent!Tilmoe2023-11-22Travel globally, act locally in Tanzania - reliable, safe & friendly Advantages of Ilmaasai booking: Reliable Patient Very experienced Empathetic Local organization (family business) Make a good Safari with a reputable local family business in Tanzania. We had this good experience. Ilmaasai Epxediton Ltd. is run by Loth, who has been leading through the parks and reserves for over 20 years. And as we could observe, always finds an excellent balance between humans and animals, but also tracks down animals that others do not find. He takes time to treat customers to the experience and is attentive. He knows the light and perspective for photography from many years of experience. He's there when something goes wrong. Very reliable. And he is an excellent #safari driver who knows how to handle the car in difficult moments. He also turns off the engine to allow you to breathe the scent and sounds of the landscapes. We had tents with cook - and the - Pius - was the best when we saw the pre-packages of the others, which were consumed at the rest areas. Everything was delicious and digestible - unbelievable what was conjured up with the simplest cooking tools from Pius. We started for 5 days from Aruhsa to the various national parks, always on time as we wanted and always as long as we wanted. Tents were great and at the beginning of the wet season they proved to be waterproof. Wonderful night noises and in the morning giraffes, zebras and antelopes stroll across the square. Loth also reassures when it comes to wired animals and is always there - helpful.TobiasKurb2023-10-08incredible combination of professionality and personality - we had an amazing stay with Ilmasaai in Tanzania We enjoyed an incredibly great time with our hosts Loth, Collin and Pius. Friends have recommended us the provider and we had in advance super good and binding contact with Catherine via mail from Germany - what followed after arrival was simply a dream. Loth as a driver knows incredibly well in the national parks and has a wealth of knowledge about each animal. The food was great, the evenings with the team at campsites perfectly social. We are incredibly happy to have chosen such a personal safari company. Thank you for everything!Claudio C2023-08-12Great experience thanks to an experienced and dedicated team We had a wonderful 7 days experience with them!! We appreciated very much their patience during the organization of our completely customized tour! Loth and his team know very well the national parks and can take you to discover all their secrets! Nature is great and with them you can fully experience it!!! Strongly recommended!!
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